Dental Veneers in Dallas & North Dallas, TX

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are a dental prosthetics that are designed to cover up the front surfaces of your teeth and enhance your smile. They are made of a durable porcelain material that looks just like real enamel. With a set of dental veneers in Dallas and North Dallas, Texas, from our cosmetic dentists, Dr. Ken or Dr. Powell, you can completely transform your teeth and feel proud of your smile and appearance once again.

What Cosmetic Issues Can Veneers Fix?

Veneers can be used to treat a wide variety of cosmetic issues affecting your teeth. These include stained teeth, minor chips, gaps between teeth, misshapen teeth, slightly crooked teeth, and more. With just a few short appointments at ConfiDent Smile Studio, you can completely transform your smile. Contact us at 214-888-6726 to schedule a consultation!

The Veneers Placement Process in Dallas

Step One: Preparing Your Teeth

After you are approved for veneers, you will come into our office for a consultation. We will clean and numb your mouth, and then gently remove a thin layer of enamel from each tooth that is receiving a veneer. Then, we will take scans and impressions of your smile.

Step Two: Crafting Your Veneers

Next, we will attach a set of temporary veneers to your teeth and send you home. Then, we will send your scans and impressions to our dental lab. This is where your set of permanent porcelain veneers will be made. It will usually take two to three weeks to complete your veneers and have them sent back to our practice.

Step Three: Final Veneer Placement

Once your final veneers arrive at our office, you will come in for your final appointment. Our team will remove your temporary veneers, and then clean and prepare your teeth for your new veneers. We will check the fit of your veneers and bond each one to your tooth using powerful dental cement. Finally, we will polish your teeth one last time and send you home to enjoy your new smile.